Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:3
Three weeks ago a young man named Dennis spoke at our weekly gathering. He
shared how he is at a point where he has no ego, where he was willing to go
wherever God wanted him to go to share his story and testimony for God's
glory. Ego (Edging God Out)
plays such a huge factor in stunting and hindering our Christian journey. Often
we can care more about what others think of us than what God desires from
As we realize how dependant we are on God's grace, and that it only is
in him that we live, move, and have our being, ego becomes replaced by humility
and availability---the mind of Christ.
Not my will, but your will be done. There is a blessing for those who are
willing to be poor in spirit, who is willing to say daily "Lord, I'm nothing without you". Is that blessing
on you today? Like a child is totally dependent on their parent for food,
clothing and daily provision, may we be totally dependent on our Heavenly
Father today
Be Blessed!
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