About us

It's NOT about us!

Kingdom Life Fellowship is a community of believers who have discovered it's all about HIM.  We seek to study, integrate and share the transforming gospel of Jesus Christ as expressed through His love letter - The Bible. 

Jesus Christ  came teaching and living the principles of the Kingdom of Heaven.  He is our role model. We are saved by His grace and sacrifice on the cross.  Through His Holy Spirit we are able to live transformed lives of love and power. Trusting the Bible as the inspired Word of God, we discover where we came from, why we are here and where we are going....from Him, for Him, and to Him!

WE BELIEVE that the gospel is the best news ever, sharing it is the most important task ever and that Jesus Christ is the greatest Hero ever!

For more information, contact:

Michael Harris
Ph: 519.265-5850 
Email: klfellowship@gmail.com