Monday, 1 July 2013

Countdown to Guelph Gospel Music Festival - Day 7

Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.” – Joshua 3:5
[The Children of Israel are] finally getting to cross the Jordan River into Canaan. It has been a long trip (40 years!). But the crossing of the Jordan was not something that simply needed to be accomplished – it was not like ordering a burger at McDonald’s. It was going to be a worship experience that needed to be prepared for. Joshua told the nation, you are going to want to prepare for tomorrow, because tomorrow, God is going to move.

Too many Christians have never seen God move and sometimes I wonder if it is because we have never prepared ourselves to see Him move. We just fit Him into the spots in our schedule that is convenient for us. And if that is all that we will do, God will never move in our lives.
It is time once again for our fellowship to prepare for the radical movement of God - in our city . Can we prepare to see him move?  Let's spend some time in prayer asking God to prepare us even as He prepares our city for His movement in our lives.
Posted by: Keturah


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