Saturday, 3 September 2011

SABBATH RECAP: Breakdown or Breakthrough?

In Acts 16:16-36 we find the same Paul who encouraged the Philippians to "Be anxious for nothing" "Rejoice always"  and "Be content", singing away with his buddy Silas... at a prison cell.   The pair had just been wrongly attacked, falsely accused, severely beaten and  unjustly thrown into the inner cell with chains placed around their feet.  But Paul and Silas, though inprisonsed, refused to become prisoners to their circumstances.  Therein lies the first miracle!  Rather than allowing themselves to understandably  be broken down by fear, anxiety,  discouragement and depression, they choose to praise their way to a miraculous breakthrough - that would result in expanding the Kingdom of God. With the peace of God ruling their hearts and minds, even at midnight in a dark and stinky jail cell, the pair conducted a lively "praise and worship" service that caught the attention of the others prisoners and clearly the interest of the prison guard.   When at last an earthquake came -  strong enough to open the doors and  loose the chains of all the prisoners -  the natural thing for Paul and Silas to do was hike up their robes and run, giving thanks for their deliverance.  But their freedom was not the main issue that night. Paul's first words post-earthquake demonstrate a mind-blowing selflessness and concern for another, in spite of his own predicament.   Empathetic realizing that their jailer's life and livelihood were now in jeopardy, Paul quickly urged him "Don't harm yourself! We are all here!"   This fact in itself was remarkable! Who ever heard of prisoners not breaking free when given an opportunity?  Follow this amazing story and see the transforming power of love in action: Paul's concern was not for his own life and safety, but for the eternal life and salvation of the jailer and his entire household.    After ensuring the jailer's salvation, and  leaving prison to baptize his entire family, Paul and Silas freely returned to the prison, allowing the newly saved jailer to turn around the next morning and order Paul and Silas legitimately free and able to go in peace... Talk about breakthroughs!

So what's  the point?

Regardless of what circumstance you find yourself imprisoned by today, in school, on your job, in your home, with your finances, with you health, in your relationships - why not expect a breakthrough:
Rather than saying "God, release me from this situation", begin to pray, "God, be glorified in this situation".    Rather than pleading for your temporary safety, why not intercede for someones eternal salvation
Rather than complaining "Good God, why me?" why not pray "Great God, use me!" 

Paul's example from prison makes him uniquely qualified to offer us this breakthrough enabling formula found in Philippians 4 :

4Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Remember, Job? His breakthrough came when he prayed for his friends! Job 42:10  God's kingdom needs team players who will not allow problem-focused breakdowns to keep them from the solution-focused breakthroughs that God is ready and able to miraculously facilitate through you. 


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