Saturday, 24 September 2011

OUTPOUR RECAP - "IF" : An Approach to Transformative Prayer


CONSECRATION of our Purpose
My people Pray to be constantly reminded that we are His people
Who are called by my name...  and that He has a specific calling and purpose for our lives
Will humble themselves - Pray for the removal of pride and a surrender to God's agenda for our lives
And pray - Pray to pray! - to prioritize time communicating with and listening to God

CONFESSION of our misplaced Priorities
And seek my face - Pray for spiritual desperation and a desire to seek His face
And turn from their wicked ways - Pray confessing our need for a complete heart transplant and mind renewal  


CONFIRMATION of God's Promises
I will hear from heaven ....Thanksgiving prayer for the assurance of God's willingness to hear
And forgive their sins ...Thanksgiving prayer for God's assurance of forgiveness
And heal their land ...Thanksgiving prayer claiming God's healing for "our land" - healing (redemption, renewal, resurrection) of our families, our health, our jobs and workplaces, our communities, our relationships, our province, our nation and our global family... whatever "land" we possess!


2 Chronicles 7:14
Further Reading: Mark 9:14-29


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