Monday, 1 August 2011

Jesus, The Shepherd King

Hey Family,

I have been meditating on our journey through Psalms 23 and have already found it bringing joy and peace to me this week.  As believers, we are surrounded by a caring, loving, and correcting God who provides Leadership, Companionship, and Protection on our journey as His followers.  Continue to be blessed as you meditate on Jesus, The Shepherd King this week, and take some time to revisit Psalm 23.  Here's a great song to check out, nothing like some good ole' gospel to drive it home!



Powerful music - thanks for sharing!

God Bless,

I am energized and rejuvenated.

Each morning when I awake, I have the opportunity to start my day with prayer. Aware of my innate creative power, I am invigorated by Spirit within. I then move ahead empowered, choosing uplifting thoughts, positive statements and purposeful actions that reflect my greatest intentions.

If ever I feel sluggish or unmotivated, I pause and pray. A few minutes of communion with Spirit revives my vital energy and awakens my enthusiasm. In Spirit, I am confident, knowing that all things given to me will be accomplished, that all that is not understood will be revealed, and that all that is difficult will be made easy.
The God who has girded me with strength has opened wide my path. --2 Samuel 22:33

God Bless Mark

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