Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Recap: Facing the Impossible with the Improbable

I don't know if anyone is facing the impossible this week, but I want to remind you from Friday's study that God is able to  use the improbable to help you conquer the impossible.
The improbable may include -
Your stuff: God used Moses' staff (rod) to change the mind of the most powerful ruler of his time.  Exodus 4
Your skills: God used David's marksmanship to bring down the most powerful giant of his time.  1 Samuel 17
Your supporters: God used the Children of Israel's seven-day community march to destroy the most powerful city of their time. Joshua 6
So no matter what person, emotion or situation you face today, praise God that while: "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26


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