Monday, 3 March 2014

Encourage Yourself

Written by Matthew Bacchus
David encouraged himself in the LORD his God. -1 Samuel 30:6 (KJV)
Sometimes things happen in our lives that shake us. The unexpected happens and you’re left to deal with it. King David and his soldiers were returning home from Ziklag and they saw that their homes were burned by fire, and the Amalekites carried off their wives and children.
Think about your life today. What unexpected event has happened in your life that has discouraged you? I’m doing my best to imagine David at this time. He is upset and I’m sure ready to fight, and most likely on the verge of giving up. The only thing that David was able to do was to encourage himself in the Lord, and realize that he couldn’t rely on his own strength.
You will need the Lord in order to face whichever of life’s storms come your way. Your situation may not be as severe as David, but whatever you’re facing, encourage yourself! You may be struggling in school, or having a hard time at work. You may be talked about, laughed at, or made fun of. Whatever it is, take a cue from David and encourage yourself! Whatever mountain stands in your way, start climbing your way to the top. Whatever you're fearful of, you will overcome. Make up in your mind that this year you will accomplish that dream that you've been wrestling with, and you will push yourself to the finish line. You won’t give up!
Many are saying you won't make it, and many believe you are wasting your time. The journey can be lonely, and you may find there is no one to turn to. Still, encourage yourself! The road won’t be easy, and there will be trying times, but allow God to strengthen and help you through. In the end you will receive a greater victory and a greater reward!

Posted by: Keturah


Listen: Encourage Yourself  - Donald Lawrence & the Tri-City Singe


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