Sunday, 15 July 2012

PRE-OUTPOUR 5 Day Faith-Lift Challenge!

As we approach our 1 year KLF anniversary this week, we have appropriately spent the entire month we looking at the theme of Faith:  Faith that works, Faith that grows and Faith that shares.  Faith has been and will continue to be central to our Kingdom Life Fellowship experience.
Our latest discovery is that sharing our faith is more about a lifestyle than an activity or event.  Everyday our lifestyle, attitudes, outlook and behaviours provide a testimony of the strength or weakness of our belief in God.  The story of the little servant girl found in 2 Kings 5:1-4 reminds us that it is not the magnitude of our roles but the faithfulness of our service  (i.e. lifestyle) that provides the best platform for intentionally sharing our faithwhen specific opportunities to do so arise.
So are you ready to take the 5 Day Faith-Lift Challenge?
Every day (preferably morning) for the next 5 days prayerfully approach the following:
1) Read Isaiah 58 slowly to discover the characteristics and benefits of a faith-filled lifestlye.
2) Reflect on the specific aspects of your service or lifestyle that might need to move into closer alignment with your professed faith.
3) Prayfully confess your mis-steps.
4) Invite the Holy Spirit to provide you with an opportunity to activate, grow and intentionally share your faith that day.
Optional - you may want to journal your experience so that you have evidence of the "before" and "after" of your experience.
I  am positive that if you choose to take up this 5-Day challenge,  by the end of the week you will have experienced a significant faith-lift in your personal walk with God.
...without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.  Hebrews 11:6
I invite you to join me in taking up this challenge and praying for an Spirit-drenched OUTPOUR experience this Friday. 
Let's make Kingdom Living a reality in our lives right now!
Peace & Love,


I am all in on this journey!

Me too. Currently locked in verse 7 ;-)

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