Thursday, 31 May 2012

D.I.V.A. RECAP (Regeneration May 23rd)

fyi - D.I.V.A. stands for Divinely Infused with a Victorious Attitude!

Roll Away the Stone
(Study inspired by "Lazarus Awakening" by Joanna Weaver)

Focusing on John 8:1-39 we recognize that Jesus requested that the stone covering the tomb of Lazurus be rolled away before calling Lazurus back to life.   We too have stones in our lives that need to be rolled away, as they block us from fulling experiencing "New Life" in Christ.

Some common stones -
The Stone of Unworthiness - The lie that we are unloved or unlovable. 
Rolled away with Jeremiah 31:3, Psalms 139:17, Luke 12:6,7

The Stone of Unforgiveness - The lie that we must hold on to the hurts of the past
Rolled away with Matthew 6:12; Isaiah 46:19; 2 Corinthians 5:17

The Stone of Ungratefulness - The lie that life is unfair and God isn't treating us right
Rolled away with Exodus 20:17, Psalms 34:1; Jeremiah 29 11;   Isaiah 55:8,9

The Stone of Unbelief - The lie that God cannot or will not help us so we must rely on ourselves
Rolled away with Mark 6:4-6; Hebrews 10:35, 36l Jude 3; 2 Corinthians 5:7

Only when we roll away the stones can we move towards the Light of New Life and experience
John 10:10 - Abundance!
Nehemiah 8:10 - Joy!
John 8:36 - Freedom!
Psalms 16:11 - Lasting Pleasure!

But to roll away these stones we need to "suit up" with the armour found in Ephesians 6...


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