Sunday, 18 December 2011

RECAP: GO Tell It!

Interesting Similarities Between Christ and the Woman at the Well (John 4)

1)      Both were rejected and resented by their own people v.1-3
2)      Both were interrupted in the middle of their day and plans  v.4
3)      Both were tired and weary (physically and/or emotionally) v. 6
4)      Both were thirsty? v.7
5)      Both were in the wrong place at the wrong time of day talking to the wrong person (socially and politically incorrect) v.6, 7
6)      Both had followers but were essentially alone v.17,18
7)      Both were able to debate theological issues v. 20
8)      Both sought lasting transformation/change and true worship  v.15; 32,33, 34
9)      Both were harvesters of souls v. 28; 34, 35, 36

Shortly after Jesus' John 3 conversation with Nicodemous...the woman at the well provides an object lesson to the disciples and the Jews of what it means to live a "born again" life transformed by the Holy Spirit.   In one amazing encounter this woman went from thirsting to bursting.  That's exactly what happens when we become born again.  We are saved to serve! We dare (and care) to share! Spiritual transformation is not only a blessing to the receiver, but it creates a sense of urgency to share the "good news" with friends and enemies so that they too can be eternally satisfied!

In this season of giving, you possess the greatest gifts of all - the knowledge God's Plan of Salvation and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit.  Are you, like the woman at the well, bursting to share it?


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