Friday, 28 September 2012

Life's "Low Fuel" Light

"Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you." Psalm 51:12, NLT

The IRONMAN TRIATHLON® is one of the most grueling endurance events in the world. In order to
complete the race, an athlete must swim 2.4 miles, ride a bicycle 112 more miles, then run a 26.2-mile marathon. The best athletes in the world can complete this monumental challenge in under nine hours. But for Australian Chris Legh, his Ironman experience in 1997 was memorable for the wrong reasons. Known as one of the top competitors in the sport, he was unable to keep any fluids or food down during the course of the race. As a result, he became dehydrated, leading to a number of his organs shutting down. Fifty yards from the finish line, his body completely gave out. Legh never finished the race and would've died without immediate medical attention. Thankfully, he recovered and has won two Ironman events since. But first, he had to be restored.
While experiences like Legh's show us humans have physical limits to their endurance, the same can
also be said about their spiritual lives. Thankfully, there are warning signs that exist before it becomes too late. When people don't want to read their Bible or pray, if they decide to shut people out of their lives, or if church becomes just a ritual, something deeper may be going on. They may be suffering from spiritual dehydration.
Just as a "Low Fuel" light tells us to fill up the car with gas, it's time to ask God for a renewed spirit when we see these warning signs. Consider that Jesus had crowds following him everywhere, but he knew his spiritual limits so well that he consistently took time to recharge, even when death was near (see Luke 22:39-43).
When your life's "Low Fuel" light comes on, don't ignore it. God wants to recharge and renew your life. Allow him to do just that. Make sure you accept his help to cross the finish line.
"Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you." Psalm 51:12, NLT

KLF Regular Events: Word & Worship, Regeneration

Hello fellow Kingdom Lifers,

How has your week been? We hope it has been a blessed one. We just wanted to remind you of our regular Word & Worship & Regeneration events.

  • Every Saturday, we invite you to join us for Word & Worship @ 12 noon, at [our new location] River of Life International Fellowship (location details below).

  • Wednesday evenings, is our Regeneration series; a midweek get together and Bible study. The location for this is TBA each week. So keep an eye out for updates.

We look forward to meeting you, building a relationship with you, and moving forward for the Kingdom of God with you!

Be Blessed!

River of Life International Fellowship
40 Margaret Street 
Guelph, ON N1E 5R7
(map below)

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Eternal Friend

Jesus is both author and finisher of our faith.  He gives us the wisdom we lack, reverse discouragement, walks us through trials, and provides the way out of temptations.

As believers, we don't have to labour alone.  Christ is able to ease burdens, light the way, and neutralize enemy attacks.  Yet, we often try doing everything else before finally resigning ourselves that there is nothing left to do but pray.

In fact, the most potent item in our spiritual arsenal is frequent and fervent prayer, grounded in faith.  By putting on the full armour of God during days of spiritual battle, we are able to stand our ground and praise him, not for our difficulties, but in spite of them.   Jesus is our eternal Friend and personal Redeemer.

Remember where you were when you first met your Savior?   He did not bring you out of Egypt to abandon you now! 
Seek him first, regardless of what you face.

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Be Blessed!