You are not the sum of your past mistakes....ask Peter
You are not the sum of your past failures....ask Paul
You are not the sum of your past sins...ask Mary of Magdala
If any man be in Christ, He is a new Creation: Old things are gone, all things have become NEW. Though you may still struggle with sins and habits, they no longer have dominion over you. Your desire is now for righteusness, your first love is Jesus. The Holy Spirit is now your GPS, and the image of Christ is being formed within you. Welcome to your new life...
...Happy Birthday!
Some how I started looking up Tim Tebow, a 2nd year NFL Quarterback for the Denver Broncos. He is a christian who openly professes his faith, believes it, and most importantly lives it.
Just thought I'd send this to share with everyone.
God is a God who works through seasons. He is not bound by time but He uses time for His purpose's
and His glory. As you enter into a brand new year may you enter with praise and thanksgiving, faith and confidence in God's purpose being fulfilled in your life and God's glory being revealed in and around you. Say goodbye to the old...walk into the new that God has for you in 2012!