What does it mean to be holy? It means to be set aside for sacred use, to be “other” than, to be set apart. God’s desire for His sons and daughters is that we be a Holy Nation. We can only be made Holy be the indwelling presence of God’s Holy Spirit, who recreates the image of Jesus Christ in us! This process of being made holy is called sanctification. When Jesus cleared out the earthly temple, He set an example of what His Spirit does in our bodily temples if we submit. Holy Spirit will uproot and overturn until only Jesus remains. He uproots selfishness, lust, pride. lying, ungratefulness, anger, and all sorts of cherished sin and replaces it with His fruit. His obsession is for the glory of God to be displayed in us. What is Your obsession? Can the world tell that you are part of this Holy Nation? Spend some time asking God what He is needing to turn over in our lives so that He may be the centre, so that He may get the glory, so that the temple of our bodies may be obsessed with, and devoted to, Jesus. Are you ready to be made over? Are you ready to Give Yourself Away?